Piers Haken
2012-07-13 20:04:49 UTC
Hi guys, I have some questions about getting scratchbox2 running on debian
wheezy. I'm trying to install an armel rootfs using debootstrap so I can use
apt-get to install libs & headers in the rootfs.
1) Wheezy currently includes scratchbox v2.2.4, is this version ok to
use? I had some issues before, so now I'm using
2) Does sb2 handle the new /run paths in wheezy?
2BAC8-run_and_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-lock) I had some problems with dpkg scripts
not being able to write to /var/run/utmp. I added a "{prefix = "/run",
map_to = session_dir}" to emulate/00_default.lua and that seemed to fix it.
Here's what I'm doing:
mkdir -p ~/armel
cd ~/armel
sb2-init -A armel -c `which qemu-arm` armel
cd ~
fakeroot /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign --variant=scratchbox
wheezy armel http://http.debian.net/debian
cd ~/armel
# debootstrap misses these.
echo "include /etc/ld.so.conf.g/*.conf" > ./etc/ld.so.conf
echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ wheezy main" > ./etc/apt/
# not sure why I have to do '-verbose' here. No output, otherwise.
sb2 -eR bash --verbose ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage -verbose
wheezy. I'm trying to install an armel rootfs using debootstrap so I can use
apt-get to install libs & headers in the rootfs.
1) Wheezy currently includes scratchbox v2.2.4, is this version ok to
use? I had some issues before, so now I'm using
2) Does sb2 handle the new /run paths in wheezy?
2BAC8-run_and_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-lock) I had some problems with dpkg scripts
not being able to write to /var/run/utmp. I added a "{prefix = "/run",
map_to = session_dir}" to emulate/00_default.lua and that seemed to fix it.
Here's what I'm doing:
mkdir -p ~/armel
cd ~/armel
sb2-init -A armel -c `which qemu-arm` armel
cd ~
fakeroot /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign --variant=scratchbox
wheezy armel http://http.debian.net/debian
cd ~/armel
# debootstrap misses these.
echo "include /etc/ld.so.conf.g/*.conf" > ./etc/ld.so.conf
echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ wheezy main" > ./etc/apt/
# not sure why I have to do '-verbose' here. No output, otherwise.
sb2 -eR bash --verbose ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage -verbose