wheezy support?
Piers Haken
2012-07-13 20:04:49 UTC
Hi guys, I have some questions about getting scratchbox2 running on debian
wheezy. I'm trying to install an armel rootfs using debootstrap so I can use
apt-get to install libs & headers in the rootfs.

1) Wheezy currently includes scratchbox v2.2.4, is this version ok to
use? I had some issues before, so now I'm using

2) Does sb2 handle the new /run paths in wheezy?
2BAC8-run_and_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-lock) I had some problems with dpkg scripts
not being able to write to /var/run/utmp. I added a "{prefix = "/run",
map_to = session_dir}" to emulate/00_default.lua and that seemed to fix it.



Here's what I'm doing:

mkdir -p ~/armel

cd ~/armel

sb2-init -A armel -c `which qemu-arm` armel

cd ~

fakeroot /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign --variant=scratchbox
wheezy armel http://http.debian.net/debian

cd ~/armel

# debootstrap misses these.

echo "include /etc/ld.so.conf.g/*.conf" > ./etc/ld.so.conf

echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ wheezy main" > ./etc/apt/

# not sure why I have to do '-verbose' here. No output, otherwise.

sb2 -eR bash --verbose ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage -verbose
Lauri T. Aarnio
2012-07-16 07:52:38 UTC
Hi guys, I have some questions about getting scratchbox2 running on debian wheezy. I’m trying to install an armel rootfs using debootstrap so I can use apt-get to install libs & headers in the rootfs.
1) Wheezy currently includes scratchbox v2.2.4, is this version ok to use? I had some issues before, so now I’m using git://gitorious.org/scratchbox2/scratchbox2.git.
I'd recommend a more fresh version from the 2.3_development branch; we are not too far from the next stable release, 2.4, and now is a good time to start testing the 2.3 branch if you haven't already tried it.

Actually, version 2.3.63 already has practically everything that was intended for 2.4, and can be considered to be in "almost release candidate"-state.
2) Does sb2 handle the new /run paths in wheezy? (http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory#Packages_using_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-run_and_.2BAC8-var.2BAC8-lock) I had some problems with dpkg scripts not being able to write to /var/run/utmp. I added a “{prefix = "/run", map_to = session_dir}” to emulate/00_default.lua and that seemed to fix it.
No, it doesn't seem to do that. Needs to be added; it should be as simple to do for 2.3, just note that the rules are in now in a different place (modes/emulate/fs_rules.lua etc). I'm sorry that I can't do it just now (more about that later), but patches are of course really appreciated.

mkdir -p ~/armel
cd ~/armel
sb2-init -A armel -c `which qemu-arm` armel ~/arm-2012.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
cd ~
fakeroot /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign --variant=scratchbox wheezy armel http://http.debian.net/debian
cd ~/armel
# debootstrap misses these…
echo "include /etc/ld.so.conf.g/*.conf" > ./etc/ld.so.conf
echo “deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ wheezy main” > ./etc/apt/
# not sure why I have to do ‘-verbose’ here. No output, otherwise.
sb2 -eR bash --verbose ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage –verbose
Scratchbox-devel mailing list
Jussi Hakala
2012-08-06 07:58:54 UTC
Post by Piers Haken
mkdir -p ~/armel
cd ~/armel
sb2-init -A armel -c `which qemu-arm` armel
cd ~
fakeroot /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign
--variant=scratchbox wheezy armel http://http.debian.net/debian
Note the difference between the debian architecture and the compiler
architecture. It's safe to drop -A from sb2-init, you need only to
override it if you don't agree with what sb2 gets from the compiler.


